Sunday, May 18, 2014


My neighbors are abuzz with springtime maintenance, planting and mulching to their hearts content. It is a beautiful day today, even if the air is thick with pollen, achoo achoo. The kind of day that begs for a picnic, laughter, hugs and smiles. 
Naturally, I'm trapped in my lovely home, heh. 
Get some extra sunshine for me, please! :-) 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Ground Control

The majority of the side effects from the experiment have thankfully disappeared, woohoo! My old pal z is back in the saddle, regulating my nuttiness into a fine parfait. 

Uh huh, yup; I'm tired. At one oh two in the night, no less! Huzzah!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Fucken YAY for renewed anxiety meds!!!


New meds can suck it; I'm weaning off the fetz and back on to my old pal zol0ft, per my doc. 
Life, at least mine, will go on. 
Which may not seem like much, but after continuous nights of fighting myself to not cut/pill/whatever, the idea of going back to (my) normal life fills me with flat, boring happiness. WAY better than crazy-insane-impulsiveness. Trust!

Monday, May 5, 2014

New Meds pt. 2

Just now, week+a few into taking the fetz, I finally decided to look up the side effects and well, boy fucken howdy, have I got most of em going on presently. 
So much dizziness, nausea, cryyyyying, dear gods the fucking crying!!, Bad Thoughts, (worse thoughts), addlemindedness, and not one fuckin iota of pain relief, exhaustion cessation, or depression alleviation. 

S'gonna kill me, this shit; heh. 
Gotta vomit. 
Ciao for now-

Sunday, May 4, 2014


A small gathering, predominately vagina-bearing, in my home last eve; laughs, looks, giggles, books, cards against humanity, tiny cupcakes. 
The sounds of my love, hungover, give a clear sense of the days' plans. Our sofa feels loved, today. 
Settled in for tea. 
What began as a blog for anonymous bitches has morphed into a blog wherein I bitch about stupid things.