Monday, April 22, 2013

Head Cheese

Too many minutes spent worrying and thinking and fretting and waiting and worrying some more, thoughts churning steadily and stinkily ever onward to


Friday, April 5, 2013

Still, Trepanning Might Be Nice

Things are mostly fantastic here. New docs, new tests, new assistive devices, new respect for my limitations. So yay, woohoo, yeehaw! I shouldn't be bitching about my not quite yet a migraine. No no no! (But I am, because ow, goddammit.)
Headaches are becoming slightly more common lately. Lets hope it is due to the changes in meds and not a new member of the gang.

Lets also end this on a ridiculous note:

The other day I decided to bake a cake and so I set to work in the kitchen. I discovered that I didn't have any butter, so I sent my dog to buy some. On the way, he passed a bookstore and, being intrigued by a display in the window, he went in and came home with a dog-eared book of poems. The point of my story is:
Never send a literary dog to the grocery store because . . . he'll get verse before he gets butter!"

- via teh interwubs
What began as a blog for anonymous bitches has morphed into a blog wherein I bitch about stupid things.