Saturday, February 20, 2010

Holy Crap.

Just a warning: I hate everyone today.

No, I am not PMSing or PMDDing or anything else related to ovaries.  The reasons for my ire?

The upstairs neighbors have juuuuuuuust about pushed me over the edge into homicide.  No, I won't *really* kill them.  But I will fantasize about it every moment until we move out of this gods-forsaken hellhole called New Fucking Jersey.  You know all those jokes you've heard, especially lately with those vomit stains from the Jersey show?  Well, let me just tell you that every single awful, terrible, horrible, spirit-breaking thing you've ever heard about NJ is true.  The people here really can't drive.  They really don't have a breath of courtesy in their bodies.  They really do have hair so high they can't see anyone but themselves.  And they really are the assholes of the world.  In the short time it took me to go out to get something for this headache, I encountered the following:

1 asshole staring at me even after I told him to take a fucking picture, asshole.
3 rude register clerks who were friendly to those ahead of me in line, but ignored my "good morning".
239,248,059 assholes who can't drive.
3 shoppers who ran into me with their carts and did not apologise,
1 of which gave me a dirty look when I said "excuse me" and
1 of which bumped me several times from behind, ostensibly because I USE A CANE AND WALK SLOWLY!!!!

I am at my wits' end here, people of Anonybitch.  If I don't get out of this state the moment my lease is up, I will collapse in the corner, rocking and drooling until I lash out and sodomize everyone with my cane.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Oh, Hallmark, you and your holiday can just fuck off right now.

Today is a holiday.  No, really, it is, and nothing Hallmark says will change the fact that they had nothing to do with it.  Happy Chinese New Year, peoples.  Yep, that's the entire extent of this day.

It is now the year of the Metal Tiger who I am unfortunately not well acquainted with; see, I was born in the year of the Dragon Flying to Heaven, which sounds a hell of a lot cooler than a Metal Tiger until you imagine a no-holds-barred throwdown between them.  Metal Tiger would probably have some seriously sharp claws, you know?  And the Dragon, well... Dragons are inherently bad-ass, it's genetic.  What if they were in mid-air-mid-slice-and-dice and all of a sudden, a tea party burst out of nowhere! Who would triumph over the sugarcubes?!

I need more sleep. Yes, yes, I know I do.  Spent the past 2.5 hours crying off and on due to the fibro pain, or the patellofemoral pain, or the arthritis pain, or the MS pain, or whatever the fuck all this pain is from.  I'd rather cry about my pain, however, than confuse today for anything other than Chinese New Year.
What began as a blog for anonymous bitches has morphed into a blog wherein I bitch about stupid things.