Sunday, January 5, 2014


We make choices based on what we want or what we need. We choose to pepper our lives with friends, hoping all along that they'll be Good People. We choose, sometimes, to ignore the Bad Signs from said friends' and disregard the heart and head's klaxon bells. 
I chose to end those relationships today. 

I never wanted to, but in retrospect I NEEDED to cut said people out of my life about, oh gee, six years ago?

Friendship should not be based on fear of hurting, either oneself or others. 

I will never be your dress up dolly.
I will never be your intervention. 
I will never be your friend again.
None of you.

No more.

This post brought to you by the letters F U and the colour Drunk Red.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like I can comment. I'm curious what led to this post. Glad I didn't make the cut ; )


What began as a blog for anonymous bitches has morphed into a blog wherein I bitch about stupid things.