Saturday, October 20, 2012

'S Too Long, Lemme Sum Up:

I've been busy:

  • had the plague, kicked it (the plague/flu, not any buckets)
  • made sets of earrings & necklaces for myself & the other 5 bridesmaids in our dear friends' wedding
  • painted some pumpkins for above
  • helped with the shower and bachelorette party
  • had a few arguments with That Man
  • got mah hairs and mah makeups did for the wedding*
  • cleaned up piss
  • pissed myself once, hooray hooray
  • listened to beautiful music
  • twitched a lot
  • took a bit of the ol' xanny for major friggin' anxiety far more often than I'd prefer
  • um
  • probably slept a bit here and there, maybe ate food
  • as a result, accidentally lost 10+ lbs
  • Ana says that is good, but Common Fucking Sense says mangia, bitch
I've read books, wrote bits, sung more, learned more about myself and stood up for my family with more strength. I've missed friends and family of all categories, cried 'til my eyelids won't work, been scared, been strong, been me. 

Now, I'm going to relax. Because I can and my body demands it. But I will not feel guilty for it. I earned a fuckin' rest, yo! 

*I am still the mismatched, baggy-hoodie wearing child who grew up more comfortable in her older brother's hand-me-downs than anything anyone bought specifically for me. Shit, I still wear some of his old clothes, heh. So makeup & hair styling? More foreign to me than a man waking up suddenly vaginaed. But I felt confident and elegant, and THAT was even more strange. I liked it. Here's proof:

End of the evening, back home, prior to painful removal of false lashes. DAMN that is some crazy shit, yo.

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What began as a blog for anonymous bitches has morphed into a blog wherein I bitch about stupid things.