Monday, October 29, 2012

Cosi Cosa

Instead of the hub getting a boatload of OT by staying at work through the storm, they closed the place down for a day or so which means he's stuck with me tomorrow during the hurricanasaurus...and he won't even get paid for it. Part of me (okay, most of me) is glad he won't be a highway away for three days and nights. I'm not gonna lie to you, Marge, I was plain scared to be here alone. Yes, I know the cats will be here too, but they have no thumbs. That Man is away til' tomorrow morning, so he says, but if this storm becomes truly huge I'll bet he won't be home either.
Which would leave me alone with thumbless howling fuzzbutts and no transportation should the need arise.

So yes, I am a bit happier knowing ill not be gimping around with potentially no power.

Now if I could just go the fuck to sleep!

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