Monday, September 17, 2012

Plug This

I'm not even sure what to write here, but if I don't stop crying, I'm going to go mad.

How's that for a dramatic opener...yeesh. There have been, in the past month or two, rapid changes in my health. Of COURSE this is about my health, that's all I fucking think about lately. More signs of MS, more proof that my body is fighting me from the inside, blah blah blah.  Every time I start to talk to others about it, I end with that: blah, blah, blah. Because who the hell cares, right? I mean, outside of my family and few close friends. I'm pretty sure they're sick of me crying and being hysterical, but hey! at least it's a different kind of hysterics, right? Eh.

And here comes the inevitable list:

- muscle spasms that make me think there are tiny little ravers inside of me dancing to every noise

- feet and legs that don't always respond to my brain saying MOVE

- a bladder that also doesn't always respond

- partial blurred vision

Those are the newest members of the cabaret here in good ol' Body Central. Tomorrow I see my neurologist again to restart the tests. Maybe this is the year I get a diagnosis, maybe not. I hope I do, because not knowing why one's body is trying to destroy oneself is a hell of a way to live.

Someone, anyone, send that little dutch boy to plug up my tearducts. 

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What began as a blog for anonymous bitches has morphed into a blog wherein I bitch about stupid things.