Sunday, February 26, 2012

More Dad

No stroke! Hooray! Possible head trauma induced dementia...hrmm. He's being moved to an inpatient rehabilitation VA hospital, as he's a veteran, and had some med changes which were welcome, in my opinion. He's been a bit off of his game for a long while now and needed a wake up call. Being diabetic is no joke, and watching that one eats regularly is really goddamn helpful if one wants to be healthy and alive.

He'll be at the rehab for a few weeks. We'll sort out his next move in the next week or so, and try to accept that there are certain things we simply cannot do for him here. If I wasn't disabled, it'd be a whole different story! He'd live here, hanging out and drawing with me, or reading together (which is usually when he "rests his eyes" for a long snore-filled snooze). But since I am, there's simply no way to give him the proper care he needs.

With that said, I'm trying to take care of myself (the Long and Winding Cold). Anti-bios, inhaler, mucinex, water water water. Sleep, which isn't working out well at all due to anxiety hamsters and insomnia gerbils. There's a chance I could be getting a gorgeous dollhouse for $20, though, and if that happens I'll be in my own little tiny heaven when I've got spare moments.

Thank you, so very much, to the dearhearts who have been giving me strength. My hub, bro, fam and Fartygirl (who's blog you should be reading). Much love, folks.

Now I'm off to rest, or more likely, play some sims 3. Hub treated me to a new town, and it is all alien all the time, so...veena fredishay!

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