Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Goofy and Pain

The holiday tree is up, 90% of the ornaments made by my own two hands, it is december and I am in pain. I had a thought, though; what if my pain sounded like Goofy when he flew off of a cliff? That "yaaaaaahooohooohoohoooooey" noise, you dig? If that was the case, I don't think I'd mind quite so much.

It appears that today will be spent on the couch, watching the original Death at a Funeral and trying not to drool too much over Peter Dinklage. I haven't watched any of the Game of Thrones because I don't have book #2 and I'm a nerd who can't watch what I haven't read, if it was written to begin with, so I'm missing out on quantity of Dinklage, but it's okay. One of my besties sent me a video link to him filming his GQ spread, and my complaint was that there were too many scantily clad women in it - and I love me some women. But I guess I love me some Dinklage more.

So, enough with the rambling. I'm either going to nap or movie, and either way it'll be just me and the cat.

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