Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Well, sheeeeeit. Been a while.

Another list, because I love you all and I need sleep:

1. We're living in the house, it is adorable and awesome and half-painted because my hub is a crazed maniac when it comes to house-setting-up-ness.

2. Still having mild panic attacks and more insomnia, but things are getting slightly better. Purchased a SAD-rated light bulb because, damn.

3. People actually come over to visit and it is really strange and also kind of lovely.

4. Hub got me the best goddamn gift a gal like me could ask for (since he already gave me himself, that is): he got me an old-fashioned re-pro record player with a HORN and EVERYTHING.

5. I started a new blog, over at and if you like it, please let me know. If you don't, you can let me know that as well, and maybe I'll give a shit.

6. If I don't get off of this fucking laptop soon I will never sleep.

So with that, I bid you buona sera.

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What began as a blog for anonymous bitches has morphed into a blog wherein I bitch about stupid things.