The overheating that goes along with the fibromyalgia causes the ibs to act up which increases stress which starts the whole process all over again with added insomnia which makes me overheat which upsets my guts and so on and so on until hey it's morning so it's time to eat food take pills which kicks the ibs back into gear and with that comes the nigh inevitable overheating and did I mention the pain in every muscle and joint yet because that's a constant occurrence that had a beginning once upon a time but has no end in sight no matter how many meds I take or life changes I adhere to or diets I adopt at my team of doctors' advice there is no end.
So I breathe.
Turn the meditation to eleven. Inhale. Exhale. Find the joy in the moment.
One of the cats gallumphs onto my lap.
Sandpaper on my pinkie, and I am lost in the calm of his purring, his one shining eye. Breathe.
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