Thursday, March 28, 2013

Just So You Know

I am most definitely still kickin ass and takin names. PT and OT twice per week if my body cooperates, assistive devices I didn't even know existed and the best motivation possible: making life less worrisome for the hub. If I'm stronger, he can relax a bit (not that he would, heh,) and we can get back to enjoying life together. Less fears, more fun. Plus, I'd sure like to play me some sled hockey one day, and this is a good way to start that path.
Now, there's no guarantee that I'll ever actually be able to play sports, but that does not mean I have to give up trying. If I give up, what happens? Do I melt in a puddle of probable MS and fade away? Pfft. Fuck that. I'm going to keep going. Keep moving. Keep kickin ass. Beat the voices down, the You Can't and the You Won't jerks can just piss up a rope as far as I'm concerned! I'm sick of the sedentary, done with the doldrums, ready for the revolution within my mind. The pressure valve has, somewhere along the way here, been loosened. Right now, I no longer feel the need to lug my guilt and my fear and the judgmental assclowns on replay in my head around on my shoulders! Fuck em! Fuck em all! They served their purposes, I learned the hard lessons, so arrividerci, culos! My life is pretty bitchin, and I aim to keep it that way.

Today was simply one damn fine day.

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What began as a blog for anonymous bitches has morphed into a blog wherein I bitch about stupid things.