Thursday, May 3, 2012

Delays Can Be Helpful

Ugh. I am teh nauseous. Stupid flu goo. Anyway.

I don't know if anyone reads this shit or not, but either way I'd like to say thank you. I need this place to think and remember and plan and organise, because the fibro fog is frequent and the symptoms of MS are adding up slowly. So, thank you for letting me put my shit out here and not flaming me into a ball under the couch.

Dad & I spoke a few times today and he sounds good! Even joked about how "off" he was, and the only issues we had were with the fact that the hospital somehow lost his hearing aids (which HOLYCRAP he needs, heh) and he couldn't hear a goddamn thing I said.  The news with him is that they're doing more tests to find out why he's lost a shitload of weight in a short time, as well as what's going on with his vertigo. It is crazysauce up in this family, yo! And by crazysauce, I mean we are a mixed up lot of ailments, oddities and issues, much like most of my sauces. Bazinga! Since he's having more tests, they're not releasing him yet. This works out because with the family stuff, the flu shit, the flu shits and the shitty flu, we've not had the chance to get him a dresser, etc. for his room. He's got a bed and, if he's lucky, I'll whip up a mural for him in there. He loves bi-planes, so maybe one of those will wind up on the wall somewhere.

The lawyer's office called back, and tomorrow I'm supposed to hear from my actual lawyer. My fingers are not crossed, nor my toes or eyes, because if my life has taught me anything it was to Not Get One's Hopes Up! Also known as, shit happens - frequently.

My mood has improved, however, which is a combination of some smart ideas and some stupid ones, but the latter will always heal over and the former will be added to my silver ribbon box. (for info on that, check out and her brilliant silver ribbon idea.)

It is way past my bedtime, but the fatuous flu has filled my flat friggin' front with funk, so I'm phlegmin' it up in here, friends.

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What began as a blog for anonymous bitches has morphed into a blog wherein I bitch about stupid things.