Friday, October 28, 2011

So Many Holy Craps.

We bought a HOUSE. We're moving in tomorrow, during the friggin' SNOW in OCTOBER. With two male helpers, one strong female, three female relatives who are over 60, me in my wheelchair and my grandmother, who is 87.

Yeah. This is gonna go GREAT.

We're very lucky, don't get me wrong! The fact that we have *any* help is fantastic, and those who are coming are all really kickass people. I am just in major-over-panic-stress-holy-crap-mode, and while the Rescue Remedy and lavender are helping, they're just not helping enough. Every muscle is tense, and my right leg is shooting pain all up in that bitch, and my eyes are too wide.

See? I get stressed out pretty damn easily. We've got a 3 bedroom house, but we're stuck in our 2 room closet/apartment until we can get over there with furniture and it's raining and will be snowing and high winds and and ...


Okay. Now it seems we're going to move on sunday, when it is supposed to be not-snowing and not-raining. I should be less stressed.


More soon.

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