Wednesday, August 3, 2011

just a wee bitch.

I need to get off of my rapidly enlarging ass and exercise. The reason my ass is rapidly enlarging, however, is that I no longer can work out in a cardio-blasting manner; I have to stick with gentle stretches and geriatric yoga, if I'm lucky.

Yeah, yeah, I know; it could be worse.

It would be a hell of a lot easier to accept this new body image if I hadn't spent twenty years with eating disorders, but hey! I had some seriously fuckled self esteem issues, and here we are. So while I'm 90% thinking "yes, I will keep stretching and gentle-yoga-ing and that will get me back into some sort of shape!", I am still 10% thinking "thin tastes better than food", which we all know is stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. The more I say it, the more it'll stick in my thick skull that starving myself is a Bad Idea (you know I"m serious when I use Capital Letters, yo), and hopefully it'll stick in some other gal's head.

I wish I could be comfortable in my own skin. That I could wake up and see that this body is mine, we are one, and that it is perfectly okay to have filled out a bit. Healthy and natural. Some day, I will.

Okay, enough of that bullshit. On to something constructive! I made my hub a sock cat the other day, and my mom loved it so much I think I might make her one. See, there are a lot of crafty things one can do when one is home alone all day, and it is all getting me used to being a crazy old lady who has a house full of shitty homemade decorations.

My hub is SO LUCKY.

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What began as a blog for anonymous bitches has morphed into a blog wherein I bitch about stupid things.