Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What Was I Saying?

Here we are, month of June, and I've got something to say.  Um.  No, I know I had something to was important enough to blog about...huh.  Guess it's a good day today.  I woke in a bad mood due to a terrible nights' sleep (thank you, Fibromyalgia!) but that has been the norm for the past oh-jebus-forever, so I decided once again to push on through it to the sunshine.  What's that?  There is no sunshine today?  Well, I'll just have to make my own then, shan't I?  Yes.  Yoga!  Yoga really helps.  Water!  Water really, really helps.  Instead of starting my day with tea and GF toast, I began with 20 ounces of filtered water and a half hour of slow, gentle, lovely yoga.  Then I put on a pot of brown rice to soak and subsequently cook, and after pushing myself probably far too hard, I cleaned up a bit of the ol' homestead.  Boring, boring, boring... to you, perhaps.  To me, it is an accomplishment.  I haven't been able to clean properly in Quite Some Time, so to be able to vacuum (a tiny apartment), trash some more un-necessaries from my past and go to the local store for papier du toilet are victories in my life!  True, tomorrow will bring more soreness and probably another IBS attack, but I'll take what I can get.

That's the key, you see; take what you can get, make the best of it, and move forward.

Last night I began re-reading Frances Hodgson Burnett's "Sara Crewe", one of my most loved books from childhood.  Sara starts out as the Very Rich Daughter of a British man in India.  He takes her across the Big Ass Pond to England, to be enrolled in a school for proper young snots.  After several years of being treated as the star of the house, her father dies and leaves her penniless.  You'd think that would break a little girl, wouldn't you?  But no; Sara's imagination takes her through each day with strength and determination, love and humour.  These are the things we all need to get past the icky parts of every single day.

Try it:  Imagine you are stronger than you think you are (because dude- you are.).  Imagine that your determination, coupled with that strength, will undoubtedly bring you to the best life you can live.  Love yourself, if for no other reason than you can, and then?  Laugh.  At yourself.  At life.  At that weird guy waiting at the bus stop who you think may secretly be wearing a tu-tu under that suit.  Once you've done all of that, do it again, and again, until it becomes second nature.  The ambiguous "They" say that if you do something for three weeks straight, it becomes natural and normal.  So try, for three weeks, to love yourself and all of your strengths, weaknesses, determination and procrastination, and then laugh your fool ass off every chance you get.

We're not going to get out of this life alive anyway; may as well enjoy it!

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What began as a blog for anonymous bitches has morphed into a blog wherein I bitch about stupid things.