Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sometimes a Crank

This week's performance by the Internal Orchestra is apparently quite the corker, with what feels like reinforcements rounding out the usual cacophonous pain symphony. Thunderous bass notes play a vibrato upon the skeletal theater. The autumnal rains give extra weight to the already swelling strings. Tiny bells ring out pinpricks within each section, lending a spasm to the symphonies. 

Looking for a more laid-back way to spend your every moment? Lucky you! 
Also appearing are the Nap Ninjas by day, and the Insomnia Gerbils by night.
Don't forget to stop by the Depression Hamsters' booth for pointless refreshments and terribly inaccurate non sequiturs. 

It really doesn't matter how I describe the chronic pain; it's just more entertaining this way. Anthropomorphizing and silly imaginings help keep my lid on tightly enough to get through the days. The nights are more difficult, but silence makes for a poor companion. 

Sometimes, I vent. Sometimes, I cry. Sometimes I laugh. 
What began as a blog for anonymous bitches has morphed into a blog wherein I bitch about stupid things.