Sunday, February 17, 2013


Sometimes you need a smile. A hug. A laugh. Reassurance that you are loved.

Sometimes, a cat.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

State of My Bed, Dammit

Watching the present president's state of the union address has each time been a fire-in-my-belly joy to watch, and in the twitterverse, to take part in discussing each point as it comes along. I'll not describe the drinking games that came with the previous president's addresses to the nation. Ow.
I've got to bail on tuning in tonight (do people still remember tuning in) (fuck I'm old) because fuck I'm old. My bad math: 2 days sans meds +/- 3 hours sleep in days and I'm off babbling about how, were I a twin, I'd have done better in school but the sex would have been gone because two brains could Wonder Twins activate, form of oh my, I've gone crosseyed, thank you and good night.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Because Rodents

It seems the depression hamsters have taken a break, bringing in reinforcements of the insomnia gerbils. They must have snuck off for a drink or something earlier, giving me one and one half hour of actual good sleep! But then, as late night revelers will, they returned in a rush of Awake and Alert, bringing their new pals the ol' allergy tribbles. Man, those things breed fast. And mucousy, ugh.
What began as a blog for anonymous bitches has morphed into a blog wherein I bitch about stupid things.