Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dear Immune System: Suck It.

Okay, so I haven't been around for a bit here, and the reason is that my body is being a complete bitch.  A cold in January, my knees giving out and forcing me on bed rest, a steroid treatment which did nothing save make me feel worse and now?  Now I've got another fucking cold.  So forgive me if 1.I make no sense or 2. I whine.  As much as I try to avoid whining, sometimes I need to and the cat is avoiding me today.  But as I said in my last post, It Could Be Worse.

But you know... I honestly don't feel like whining now that I got all of that out of my system (yes, I am fully aware that it was whining.). There are more important things to convey to you, peoples of the internets.  A little girl ( has a condition called OMS ( and needs help, desperately.  Her insurance company won't pay for certain treatments because they are stupid.  The insurance companies, not the treatments.  So go over there and help out if you can, and if you're broke like me, spread the websites across the interwubs and earn your badge for the day.

In other, less serious news, I found a great blog today ( that is all about the wheelchair fashion.  Now, if you know me, you know I'm about as fashion savvy as Gladys Ormphby (if you're confused, watch Laugh In), but lately I've been hankering for comfortable clothing when I'm out and about.  I can hardly believe I'm about to say this, but... I am going to get jeggings.  Yes, they bother me because GODDAMMIT BE ONE THING ALREADY but they do look pretty comfortable, and I'd like an end to the phantom penis action my regular jeans give me when I'm riding the four wheels of fury. It wouldn't seem like such a big deal, but I've been mistaken for a male before so hey! I'm sensitive.

So there you go; I've been sick, I'm going to buy pants that are not pants, and you are going to help Zoe Cadence by going to the above listed sites and either donating or spreading the word.  
What began as a blog for anonymous bitches has morphed into a blog wherein I bitch about stupid things.